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Nurtured by Love: Madhuri's Journey from Orphan to Inspiration with Sphoorti Foundation
Madhuri's story begins at the tender age of 4, when she lost her mother. With no one to look after her and her siblings, her grandmother stepped in. One evening, while her grandmother was selling flowers, Mr. Srivyal Vuyyuri approached her. He was building a home for orphans, Sphoorti Foundation, and offered to take Madhuri and her siblings as the first candidates.
Their grandmother agreed, and moving to the Sphoorti Foundation felt like a re-birth for Madhuri. Mr. Srivyal, who the children lovingly called ‘Mamaiya’, took care of them like their own father, dropping them off and picking them up from school, giving them tuition after school, taking them to museums, and attending parent-teacher meetings. When Mamaiya married Ms. Venkateshwari, whom the children now called “attamma”, became a motherly figure, showering them with love and care.
Madhuri discovered her passion for singing at Sphoorti. Mamaiya enrolled her in music classes, and she even had the opportunity to be selected for training by a famous Indian playback singer and teacher, Komanduri Ramachary. Unfortunately, there were transportation issues and the initiative fell through. Though disappointed, Madhuri didn't give up on her passion. She used her skills to perform at school events, conquering her initial stage fright with the help of Mamaiya's encouraging words: "Everyone will have opinions. But even if you make a handful of people feel good with your music, your talent makes an impact."
After finishing high school, Madhuri faced a tough decision. Due to personal circumstances, she opted for a beautician course instead of pursuing a BA at Osmania University. While working at salons and as a salesperson, she noticed her peers from Sphoorti who had completed their degrees and were doing well financially. Inspired by them, she applied for an HR role at Crescent Tax Filing and got the job. Despite not having a degree, Madhuri considers herself a quick learner and aspires to complete her bachelor's degree someday with the help of savings and financial aid.
Looking back at her journey, Madhuri offers valuable advice to future students of the Sphoorti Foundation: "Don't overthink. If you have a dream, be confident, believe in yourself, take action, and work towards it”. She also encourages them to help others, no matter how small the act of kindness may be. The happiness it brings, she says, is more rewarding than any material possession.