Use your power to make a difference by joining our Let's Do Good initiative.
frequently asked questions
frequently asked questions
1. Who is eligible for Tax Saving Certificate?
All donors who donate more than Rs. 500/- are eligible for Tax Saving Certificate.
2. Is it compulsory to provide a name as in PAN along with the PAN number?
Each donor need to provide name as in PAN along with PAN number.
3. How i2u will help donors?
i2u will provide an acknowledge of donation received within 15 days and is sent from i2u website directly to the donor's email id. It is also available in the dashboard of donor when they log in.
4. Will the donor get a certificate of donation?
Tax Saving Certificate will be provided in the Form 10BE under the Income Tax Act in the month of May each year for all donations given during the previous Financial Year.