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Siddaram’s Journey: Overcoming Adversity with Goodsam Foundation
Siddaram is a 35-year-old male who met with a bike accident and suffered a spinal cord injury, which left him paralyzed from below his chest. He was a driver by profession and worked as a laborer at times to meet the expenses of his family. His wife works in a brick factory, and they have three little kids to look after.
As a result of his paralysis, all sources of income for their household stopped, and all their savings were quickly exhausted.
Siddaram's wife had to stop working to take care of her husband, who was completely dependent on her for all his basic daily activities and functions.
We met Siddaram during one of our community visits. On our assessment, we found he was in a critical state; he had developed very bad pressure ulcers on his back and thighs, which were big holes in his body, and his vitals were very weak, and his condition was deteriorating by the minute.
This called for emergency measures, and we made arrangements to shift him immediately to our center, where treatment was started immediately.
Siddaram was in our Gulbarga rehab center for 11 months. With regular dressings and physiotherapy, he made steady progress, his wounds healed, muscle power improved, and he definitely felt much more positive and hopeful about life.
He could transfer himself independently from the wheelchair to bed and vice versa and was able to do many of the activities of daily living with little assistance.
Now, Siddaram is back to his family. He is trying to explore some ways to earn money. We are even trying to help him with some livelihood options. His wife is able to go to work, and they are able to manage their family a little better.