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Astron Institute of Social Sciences

Astron Institute of Social Sciences


About the NGO

AISS is imparting education and training to underprivileged/youth sector in India and ensures sustainable economic and social development. In order to provide the work force with greater job opportunities in domestic and international markets, healthcare skill building diploma programs are coordinated to pave the way of social empowerment.

AISS, is dedicated to providing sustainable livelihood opportunities for underprivileged youth & woman through specialized skill-building and employability programs.

Driven by a deep commitment to improving the quality of healthcare services, AISS has taken on the challenge of addressing unmet needs in healthcare delivery, particularly in underserved communities. This mission is achieved through healthcare vocational diploma programs that boast nearly 100 placement rates. Graduates of these programs are readily skilled and find employment in various departments of healthcare facility, often without the need for additional support.

Other Causes:*Upgrading of rural healthcare facilities. *Upscaling of existing healthcare workforce in aspirational districts. *Life skill framework on healthcare emergencies training for students/youngsters.

Upgrading of existing healthcare workforce in aspirational district ,upgrading of rural healthcare facilities, life skill framework on healthcare emergencies training for students/youngsters.
Other Causes:

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