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At i2u’s Webinar On Cause-Related Marketing, CSR Experts Share Communication Tools NGOs Can Use
News | New Delhi, Friday , 30 September 2022
Summary: At a recent webinar conducted by i2u Social Foundation, CSR experts Manisha Singh and Saumya Sharma shared valuable insight on using communication tools effectively during cause-related marketing campaigns run by NGOs. The first session of the series on cause-related marketing aims to educate non-profits on different aspects of communication marketing with the community to leverage maximum support.
New Delhi, Friday, 30 September 2022. i2u Social Foundation (IndiaIsUs), an NGO support-ecosystem assisting corporate in fulfilling their CSR initiatives, has been working relentlessly to empower non-profits to use various channels and strategies to reach out to communities and mobilize support. With the aim to realize this objective, i2u recently started a series on Cause-Related Marketing For NGOs. The first session of the series by CSR experts Manisha Singh (seasoned communications professional) and Saumya Sharma (multi-faceted communication and brand management professional) focused on Effective Communication Tools NGOs Can Use in Cause-Related Marketing.
The webinar highlighted how cause-related marketing is a step ahead of traditional marketing and serves to create a beautiful harmony between NGOs and corporate teams to promote a specific cause to benefit both parties. Brand storyteller, social campaigns evangelist, and UEX consultant Manisha Singh, along with brand evangelist and Marcom lead to several corporate Soumya Sharma, spoke at length about discovering the true potential of cause-related marketing for NGOs with the help of communication tools. They gave NGOs valuable tips like making sure to use the 5 W’s and 1 H while crafting messages. These include ‘Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How’.
NGOs were also advised to create a tailored version of their message for specific target audience. Experts stressed on the importance of ensuring the messages are pulled consistently through all communication vehicles, right from the website copy to interviews and speeches.
During the session, NGOs were also educated on how effective communication is the foundation stone of every marketing effort. They were given pointers on being able to propagate their message successfully among their target audience to make them aware about the NGO’s mission and vision. It is especially important for non-profits relying heavily on community participation, volunteering, and support from corporate CSRs. Non-profits were suggested constant innovation to find impactful ways to reach out to their audience, stay in touch with them, and win their trust.
The session was attended and appreciated by NGOs, corporate CSRs, social welfare experts, donors, and volunteers. Speaking about the event, i2u Head Alisha Vijoy remarked, “While working with hundreds of NGOs from all over India, we noticed that cause-related marketing is still an untapped resource brimming with opportunities for non-profits. This encouraged us to come up with a series on cause-related marketing to educate the social welfare community on using this tool effectively. We aim to continue with the series holding more such informational sessions in the near future”.
About India Is Us
India Is Us (i2u Social Foundation) is an NGO support ecosystem focused on assisting companies in fulfilling their CSR initiatives by working with verified NGOs. i2u works with hundreds of NGOs across India, working on twelve priority causes, including literacy and education, health and nutrition, environmental conservation, women empowerment, poverty alleviation, care for the elderly, animal welfare, skill development, inclusivity for people with disability, child welfare, WASH and heritage. i2u supports NGOs by helping them perform better through capacity building, sustainable growth, and donor and volunteer mobilization.